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5 Simple Ways to Make Christmas about Jesus
It was the craziest thing.
We were driving through the large city park in our area, and the traffic was terrible.
All of a sudden, we discovered why. As we rounded the corner into the center of the park, we saw colorful hot air balloons everywhere.
Some balloons were blown up, some were about halfway up, and a few were still laying on the ground.
My daughter suggested we stop and see what was going on.
So, we pulled off onto the side of the park drive – along with hundreds of others.
We popped open the hatch and sat in the back of our SUV, waiting to see what would happen next.
To try to get a feel for what was happening, my daughter did a quick search on the Internet. At dusk, she discovered, all of the hot air balloons were set to fill up, light up, and rise.
It was going to be amazing. All we had to do was wait for it to get dark.
The Big Dud
As we sat and watched and waited, we had fun talking and observing the balloons.
Many were doing little mini-launches with travelers in the basket.
Some were being blown up. Others were still on the ground.
No matter their shape, all of the balloons stayed tethered to the ground, never quite taking off.
At dusk, just as we expected the balloons to fill up, light up, and rise, an unexpected thing happened.
Instead of rising, all of the balloons descended and deflated, falling to the ground.
The lights went out, and the show was over.
Not one single balloon took off.
It was a complete dud!
We sat there for over an hour and didn’t ever get to experience anything remotely amazing!
What does this have to do with Christmas?
So many of us want to make Christmas all about Jesus and we think we will.
But we get through the holidays and realize that our plans never took off.
Indeed, all of our plans to make Christmas about the Savior never really materialize and become DUDS!
All along, we hope to add a little Jesus, but so often we never do.
Instead, Christmas just sort of flops in the spiritual category.

What if this year could be Different??
To help you intentionally make this Christmas about Jesus, I’d like to share some ideas.
These are five very simple, very doable, and very inexpensive ways to make this holiday season more focused on the Lord Jesus.
Anyone can do these!
You can do this!
I can do this!!
We can do this!!
Something to Think About:
“How tragic it would be if this Christmas you let the very celebration of His birth draw you away from Him.”
(Adrian Rogers)
Why not let Christmas press us closer to Jesus this year?
What if we let it draw us closer to Him – rather than away from Him?
1} First Way to Make Christmas about Jesus…
The first way to make Christmas about Jesus is to turn up Christmas music that is actually about Him.
Find those albums, and listen to Christian stations that play Christian Christmas music.
KLOVE plays Christian Christmas music all through the holidays.
YouTube has entire channels where you can listen to this music for free.
Why do this? Because so much Christmas music shares the Gospel.
Let your family hear something besides “Jingle Bells” and “Frosty the Snowman.”
Instead, let them hear songs like, “Joy to the World” and “Mary, Did You Know?”
A Great Story about Christmas Music
Several years ago, I had the opportunity to serve as the PTA President at my children’s public elementary school.
One of the teachers was also a believer and had a beautiful singing voice. She offered to lead in the singing of Christmas carols with the parents at our December PTA meeting.
It was amazing to hear the Gospel sung in that public elementary cafeteria – right in the middle of our PTA meeting!
One of the songs that she shared was this one:
“Angels, We Have Heard on High”
“Come to Bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing;
Come, adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord, the newborn King.“
The Music Makes a Difference
To make this year of holidays sweeter, why not turn up the great Christian Christmas music and play it from now to New Year’s Day?
I believe it will make such a difference for you and your family!

2} Second Way to Make Christmas about Jesus…
Another way to make Christmas about Jesus is to put up some decorations that point people to Jesus.
There are so many themes that we can use and accentuate! Why not share peace, joy, hope, and verses about Jesus?
Make the most of this opportunity to decorate your house, your yard, your tree, and even your desk at work.
On our Christmas tree, we have ornaments with the name of Jesus on them!
Why not decorate with things that honor and lift up the name of Jesus?
Go to a store like Hobby Lobby or an online store and get at least one decoration that will lift up Jesus. Or, perhaps make some decorations with your children.
3} The Third Way to Make Christmas about Jesus…
Another way to make Christmas about Jesus is to share Jesus on social media!
It’s the best time of the year to share hope.
- So, put up a verse.
- Share an image that you love that a friend shares.
- Make a great video and add it.
- Video some of your Jesus decorations and share them.
This is our chance to spread hope at Christmas time!
We can honor Him all over social media.
I dare you to just be brave and stick something out there!

4} The Fourth Way to Make Christmas about Jesus…
A fourth way to make Christmas about Jesus is to do something for someone else. As a couple or as a family – do something for someone in need.
Give one less present to each of your family members and do something for someone else with the money.
- Angel Tree
- Soup Kitchen
- Give a gift
- Reach out to a lonely neighbor
Wal-Mart at Christmas
A great example of giving at Christmas comes from my friends Vonda and Ian and their girls.
Last year during the holidays, they decided to do something surprising. They went to Wal-Mart just a few nights before Christmas.
All five of them positioned themselves near the cash registers.
Then, as they would see that a family was about to pay for their purchases, they would slip into the line behind them and offer to pay their entire bill.
Over and over, they surprised shoppers with their generosity.
After hours of sharing so freely, they got into their car to hear home. On the way home, all three of their daughters expressed their desire to do this again and again. What a treat!
What about Your Family?
Of course, you don’t have to do a huge Wal-Mart give away at Christmas.
But, you can do something. We can ALL do something!
You and your kids can find a way to be incredibly and internationally generous during the holidays.
Doing this will add so much sweetness and fulfillment to your festivities!
It will also teach your children to be kind and generous.

5} The Final Way to Make Christmas about Jesus…
A final way that you can intentionally make Christmas about Jesus this year is to read the Christmas story from the Bible.
Many families like to do this on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. In our family, we especially love the rendition shared in Luke chapter 2.
Why not plan to take 10 minutes and have one of the kids or adults read the story from the Bible?
Then, pray and thank God for sending Jesus as the ultimate Christmas gift.
Let your focus be on Jesus before opening gifts or doing anything else!
So, what do you think?
Will you try any of these?
And, what else do you and your family like to do to make Christmas about Jesus??
I’d love to hear your ideas!

Back to the Beginning of the Story
Yes, I spent an hour waiting for those balloons to fly.
We had a lot of fun waiting, but it was pretty much a DUD!
Don’t let this Christmas be a dud!
Be intentional.
Do a little extra work!
You got this!!
As We Close Today…
If you have been encouraged… would you share this ministry with someone else?
Copy the link and text it to someone.
Or, screenshot our podcast and share it on social. If you will tag me, I’ll share your profile!
You can get to our podcast HERE.
One more thing…
We are in the process of doing a little rebranding, refurbishing, and refreshing around here.
As we pray and plan for next year, we are so excited about many of the new and improved ministry opportunities and facets we will soon be sharing with you.
So, stay tuned!
AND REMEMBER – We are ordinary women, but we serve and enjoy an extraordinary God.
Let’s make much more of Him this year at Christmas.

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© Women Living Courageously, 2022. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Further, excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Melanie Redd and Women Living Courageously with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
One thing we did as a family, and though our 7 children are all grown with their own families, we always had a Birthday Cake for Jesus. We put 3 candles on it representing the Trinity. My husband and I still do this and sing Happy Birthday and blow out the candles! It’s His day and He deserves to be recognized for His birth which came to give us the greatest gift, His life for our redemption!
Hey Patricia,
I love this idea of the birthday cake for Jesus! Yes! What a great way to celebrate!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Hope you and your family will have a very Merry Christmas!
Hi nice friend.
It’s inspiring how you have painted the picture of Christmas.
People, most people don’t celebrate Christmas because they say it’s boring n I know why.
We have shifted the focus to other things other than the main reason. We focus on food,visits, n mainly staying indoors because Christmas, we say is boring 😴.
We have left the whole thrill of jingle bells to kids, n I think it’s high time we refocus me included.
Hey Joyce,
I think you are right! We have lost our focus!
I’m praying that we will go back to what matters most this year!
Hope you and your family will have a very Merry Christmas!
Hello Special Friend, again, TERRIFIC, I have loved reading – listening as God speaks to my heart – and, praying for all who will read this & do it – making it all about Sweet Jesus – then Melanie, for me, for us we think about “a family who has a daughter” who is a single mom with two kids, who struggles physically, emotionally, spiritually and for sure financially – she is “trying” to provide basic needs, but her heart want a “great Christmas” for them – she knows it is all about Jesus – but tell her kid that on Christmas Day – and see a “mom’s heart” that truly breaks for them . . . Melanie, I pray this reaches those – for us, it will – we will share – you see dear friend – that is “our daughter” I write about – and it hurts – But God! Thank you! Pro3:5,6
Hey Bobby,
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment today! Wow! That is a blessing!
So appreciate you sharing your heart. We will pray with you for this sweet single mom and for God to provide!
He is well-able! Amen!
Hope you and your family will have a very Merry Christmas!
Want to know more about Jesus?
Check out this blog post that we share about Him –