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Own It, Girl!
A few weeks ago, I got to be part of the weekend retreat for mothers and daughters.
I was invited to be the guest speaker and talk, especially to the teenage girls.
All of the girls were seniors in high school, and we had the most amazing weekend together.
We had been invited to stay at a very beautiful house on the lake in Savannah, TN.
However, there was one drawback to our weekend.
The One Drawback to the Weekend
As I was driving to the retreat, I remembered how steep the roads were in this particular neighborhood.
But I had never been to this particular house.
Using my GPS, I finally arrived at what I thought was the home.
However, I realized I was not in the right place.
My hostess for the weekend was on her front porch waiving for me to come to the right house. She was standing straight down a huge hill right in front of the water.
To get to the house, I had to go down the huge hill.
It was raining and it was very steep, but I made it down the hill just fine.
It wasn’t as bad as it looked.
What Goes Down Must Come Up!
However, I knew that what went down would have to come back up.
So, I spent a good portion of the weekend looking up at that crazy High Hill that I would have to drive out on Sunday.
(The other moms were concerned about it, too.)
Honestly, it was the steepest hill that I’ve ever seen on a house. And it rained all weekend.
Yes, we thoroughly enjoyed our time at that home and didn’t leave for the entire event.
But we knew Sunday morning was coming, and we were going to have to meet the challenge of that hill.

Early Sunday Morning – Own It, Girl!
Early Sunday morning, I was having coffee and looking out the kitchen window at that steep hill once again.
The concrete on the driveway was very wet, and it looked steeper than it ever had.
But I was the only one driving my car that weekend, and I knew I would have to be the one to drive out of that driveway.
We begin to pack up our things and get ready to go. Then, we hugged and said our goodbyes, and we all got in our vehicles.
Because of where I was parked, it was logical that I would leave first. I would drive up that hill before everyone else had to.
My car is fine, and I have good new tires.
That wasn’t the issue.
The issue was my nervous heart.
I don’t usually get worried about things, but this was a really tall and curvy hill.
The Climb Up the Hill – Own It, Girl!
So, as I rolled down the window to say goodbye to my hostess, I asked this,
“Do you have any tips for me on getting out of this driveway today??”
Truly, she didn’t skip a beat.
She came over to my car window and put her hands on the car door and said,
“Put your foot all the way down on the accelerator and don’t let up.
Own it all the way up the hill and you’ll be fine.
Just own it, girl!
You can’t wimp out.
You can’t slow down, you just gotta own it.”
I Did – Own It, Girl!
And so, I did.
I got to the turn at the bottom of the hill, and I gunned it.
And I gunned it and gunned it, and gunned it until I got to the top and around the curve and out of danger.
My heart was racing!
But I had owned it for real!
And I’m not sure I really want to do that again.
It’s True for Us!
The funny thing is after the experience, I kept thinking of her words.
“You gotta put your foot down and own it, girl.”
I think that’s true in all of life, don’t you?
For most of us as women, people don’t say things like that to us.
Perhaps if you work with a lot of men or you play sports, you’ve heard something like that.
But I want to encourage you today…
“Put your foot on the accelerator, hold it down, and own it, girl.”
It’s time for you and me to own it, girl.
It’s time for you and me to be more bold and courageous!

What Do You Need to Own in Your Life Today?
It’s a great question!
In other words, where do you need more courage?
- Tenacity?
- Gumption?
- Strength?
- Determination?
- Capacity?
- Energy?
Where are you weak and in need of some incredible toughness?
- Job?
- Marriage?
- With one of your kids?
- Friendship?
- Church?
- Or ministry?
- With a family member?
- Financially?
- Want to go back to school?
- Start a new career?
- Change jobs?
- Sell your house?
- Move?
- Write that book?
- Start an Etsy Shop?
- Health or diet-related or something else?
Here are Four Tips to Help You Own It Today!
First, pray and Invite God to embolden you and make you crazy courageous!!
Second, get you a courage-making verse!
Mine lately is Deuteronomy 31:6,
“So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord, your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Here are a few more that may encourage you on the printable below.
Just right-click. Save. Print.

Third, tell at least one person about this challenge in your life. Say it out loud to someone you trust!
Fourth, just do it! Put your foot on that accelerator and go for it! Own it, Girl!!
Back to the beginning!
That hill was crazy scary at the lake house. It was so steep and daunting!
But I did what my friend said. I put my foot down and owned it!
And, I dare you to do the same!!
Go for it – whatever it is!!
I love this quote from Pastor Adrian Rogers,
“Faith believes in spite of the circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences.”
Hear me, girls… it is time for us to own it!
It’s time for YOU to own it!
Own that hill!
Go for it today!!
(And send me a note so I can cheer you on when you do!)
Just So You Know…
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And thank you (in advance) for joining us!!
We are ordinary women, but we are pursuing an extraordinary God.
And He is crazy about you!
And He is crazy about you!
Could you use a little more encouragement today?
“You Can Find Freedom from Fear!”
“Keep Going!”
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©Ordinary Women, Extraordinary God, 2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Further, excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Melanie Redd and Ordinary Women, Extraordinary God, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Depression. Sadness. Distress. Exhaustion. Weariness. No one is immune to these things. Don’t ever think that you’re immune to depression, because even the greatest believers can be laid low by depression. Find hope and learn how to deal with depression with Ordinary Women, Extraordinary God.
Hey Friends,
If you prefer to listen, catch the podcast version of this post.
It’s on iTunes –
Have a blessed day, and own it!
Thank you Malanie, so . . . “Be Anxious for NOTHING . . . in EVERYTHING . . . with THANKSGIVING . . . let your SUPPLICATIONS . . . be MADE known” to Him who owns all, and in who is the POWER . . . thank you special friend for the story and reminder – Greater is He !!!
Amen, Bobby!
Thank you for your encouragement!
Sure do appreciate you~
What a great article Melanie! I love that she told you to “push down the accelerator and just own it”!! That’s great advice for us in life too isn’t it! God is always with us, clearing the way before us as we struggle with all the “steep hills” of out lives. Thank goodness He is making a way for us in the wilderness too!!
Amen, Kelly!
It was quite a memorable moment for sure!
God will make a way!
And, sometimes we need to be a little more courageous as we follow Him!
Blessings to you today!