Adrian Rogers’ quotes.
There are so many good ones.
In fact, books have been compiled to try to capture some of his best quotes.
One great book is… Adrianisms: The Collected Wit and Wisdom of Adrian Rogers.
For me, it’s a little more personal.
I’ve been jotting down and recording these notes for a good portion of my life. Dr. Rogers became my pastor when I was in the 5th grade.
It was my privilege to sit under his preaching for a good portion of my adult life.
So, I’ve personally noted and jotted down his quotes in notebooks, in the margins of Bibles, and on countless Sunday bulletins.
I thought it would be fun and inspiring to highlight a few of my favorites related to the person and the character of God.
10 Amazing Adrian Rogers’ Quotes about the Character of God
Amazing Adrian Rogers’ Quotes about the Character of God – Number One:
“God only wants for us what we would want for
ourselves if we were smart enough to want it.”
Quote Two:
“Has it ever occurred to you that nothing
ever occurs to God?”

Quote, Three:
“I love the name of Jesus.
It fits just right on my tongue.”

Amazing Adrian Rogers’ Quotes about the Character of God – Number Four:
“God grades on the cross, not the curve.”

Quote, Five:
“What we need is not great faith
but faith in a great God.”

Quote, Six:
“There is no promise God cannot keep, no prayer
God will not answer, and no problem too hard for
him to solve.”

Amazing Adrian Rogers’ Quotes about the Character of God – Number Seven
“Everything over my head is under God’s feet.”

Quote, Eight:
“It’s not Jesus and… or Jesus or… It’s Jesus only!”

Quote, Nine:
“Don’t ask God to cram His plan into your puny
little mind because then God would be limited by
your understanding.”

Quote, Ten:
“Jesus is our way to God and God’s way to us.”

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