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Introduction to Having a Coach
If you looked up the phrase “constantly challenge yourself” in the dictionary, I believe you would see today’s podcast guest’s picture by these words.
Her name is Monique Scrip.
Monique Scrip is a woman who is bold, brave, and always trying something new and inventive in her life.
I love watching her rise up, shine, and soar!
And I’m praying that you and I will be infused with some extra passion, encouragement, and plain old gumption today as we talk with this amazing lady!
Welcome, Monique!
Monique – Thank you, Melanie. Good to see you.
Introducing Monique
Melanie: We are so glad you’re here. And I know we know each other personally, and I thought it would be so fun for my listeners to get to know you as well.
And so I want to introduce Monique briefly, she’s a wife and a mom to three boys.
She’s a top business coach for Network Marketing Leaders and Influencers.
She’s built an amazing Network Marketing course, and she offers private coaching for direct sales leaders. This lady does it all.
So let’s dive right in and I have to ask you, have you always been a motivated person?
Always Motivated
Monique: That is a great question.
So the answer is yes. I think I just came out of the womb that way.
You know, it’s funny because looking back on my entire life, I can think about even just at a young age, just having times where I was very bold and very motivated and driven even as a young kid. And I feel like I’ve just carried that into adulthood.
A Little Background on Having a Coach
Melanie: Wonderful. I love hearing this.
Tell us a little bit about your background and all that has gone into making you a successful mom, wife, coach, and entrepreneur.
Monique – I feel like all the different seasons we go through in life, there are little lessons or things that we learn or things we take from the previous season.
And so there have been times where I’ve questioned, have I pivoted too many times because I’ve had a lot of changes, even just in the time that you and I have known each other I’ve pivoted a little bit.
And so for those of us who are multi-passionate, sometimes we can have lots of things that get our attention or lots of things that have brought us to where we are today.

Where it Began
So my background is I grew up in Florida, and I moved to Memphis.
Then, I moved to Arkansas and then Memphis for undergrad and grad school. And I ended up working in the insurance industry for nine years.
Also, I did sales and I did sales training. And what I learned from that was I loved coaching people. At the time, it wasn’t coaching, it was helping other people be successful.
I loved mentoring and speaking and training and giving tips and things on helping people to be successful.
And so fast forward to today that has brought me to where I am today is using all of those skills that I’ve learned through different years and helping coach leaders and helping them be successful in what they’re doing.
What About Family Challenges?
Melanie – I think that’s great. And you are good at that.
Well, let’s talk about another challenge. We’ll come back to that in a minute, but another challenge that people love knowing, and I want to hear more about in your life is your boys.
You’ve taken on a big challenge with your boys and so would you tell us a little bit of the story of your boys?
Becoming a Mom of Three Boys
Monique – Yes, it is such a God story.
Honestly, I’ve known my entire life that I wanted to adopt.
Truly, I knew that adoption was going to be part of our journey, of our story, of my life story. I had two brothers growing up who were adopted.
And so when I met my husband, Matt, I discovered that he had two siblings who were adopted and he had that same desire that I did. And so I knew that was going to be something that we would do.
For a while, I was very focused on my career at the time and just working and focusing on that.
However, we came to this place where we thought we should probably start a family at some point.
The Adoption Process
In time, we started the adoption process.
We were on a waiting list to adopt a baby, but both were just very career-focused.
Finally, there was this one day when we came across a story of three boys who were in foster care. They needed to be adopted. Their parent’s rights had already been terminated.
Incidentally, the judge had said that they needed to be adopted together.
So they were a sibling group of three boys. Our friends were in the process of adopting their sisters.
But these boys needed to be adopted.
They came into our home and we fostered them
Eventually, we ended up permanently adopting them.

But, What About Work and Having a Coach?
As I went from zero to three kids, I recognized that I couldn’t keep up with my current job and these boys.
Truly, I couldn’t keep up my full-time corporate job and then come home and pour into them.
To try to make the dinners and the basketball games and the practices and the homework and all was just too much.
So I looked at that situation and I thought, how can I be a present mom?
And how can I also have the passion to work and have a career and do both? How can I do both?
That’s when I got into network marketing.
I made the transition to leave my corporate job and pour into my children and have that time flexibility and time freedom.
And so that’s why I’m so passionate about helping other women do that.
Because I think other women are like me, I want to help them make their kids a priority.
It’s a joy to help them to figure out how to do both!
Making Better Transitions and Having a Coach
Melanie – It is. It is a constant battle and a struggle and an opportunity.
I’ve watched you make those transitions and do them well.
And so let me ask you, as we kind of move into that, how have you been able to help other people do some of the challenging things that you’ve done?
How have you been able to up other people to make some changes in their lives as well?
Helping Others to Transition by Having a Coach
Monique – I think that one thing that is just innately wired in my personality is I can look at someone or I can look at a situation and I can see how it can be better.
Or I can see how somebody can improve or I can see the little roadblock that’s tripping them up. If they can work through the roadblock, they can begin to move forward.
There’s something called the StrengthsFinder personality system. One of the strengths is called “maximize.”
To maximize it to be able to look at things and see how they can be excellent.
Not Just Good, But Excellent by Having a Coach
Instead of just good how can it be excellent?
That’s what I ask as a coach. How can I look at people’s situations and see how they can be better.
Indeed, it’s a joy to say, “Hey, here’s a better way that you can do this, or here’s an easier way that you can do this.”
It’s pouring into the lives of women from that perspective. How can it be excellent?
Also, I seek to go after things boldly. As I sense God is leading me in a certain direction, I try to follow closely no matter how scary it may be.
Sometimes, it is scary to make the next move. However, doing things boldly–especially if you feel that nudge from the Holy Spirit–is the only way to go.
Here’s the truth: you don’t have to know every single step along the way.
You just have to take that next step.

Do the Next Thing in Having a Coach
Melanie. Do the next thing. That is a great word.
It’s been my privilege to be in a lot of meetings and small group gatherings with you.
Truly, you’re good at offering advice and solutions to people in these small groups.
Is that also what you do in your coaching?
Tell us what that looks like. You do a lot of one-on-one coaching, so if someone said, “Hey, I want to talk to her.”
How do you help them?
What does that look like to spend some time with you and get some coaching?
Getting Sharper by Having a Coach
Monique – So a lot of times people know what to do. A lot of times they do, and they either don’t want to do it, or they don’t want to address it, or they don’t know-how. They don’t know the tools of exactly how to do that.
Because I’ve been working with people for so long, you see patterns in things. You see patterns of the same kinds of things over and over and over again.
Here’s an example.
One of the tools that I use in my coaching program is something called the Sharp Five roadblocks.
If you are stuck in business or this could apply to moms, or this could apply to anything. If you’re stuck, it’s probably going to be in one of these five areas.
Sharp Five (Part One)
So S-H-A-R-P that’s what the Sharp Five stands for.
First, the “S” in S-H-A-R-P is seeking approval. It’s caring too much about what others think about you.
You’re worried about what someone’s thinking about you. You’re saying yes to something because you’re afraid someone’s going to be upset with you.
Seeking approval is a huge one for a lot of people, or you do something or you don’t do something for approval.
Second, the “H” stands for harboring anger. So anger, frustration, resentment, all those things can be a roadblock for a lot of people.
Third, the “A” stands for anxiety or fear. So oftentimes if you’re frozen, if you’re stuck, it could be because you’re fearful or you’re anxious about, I don’t know what to do next, or I don’t know if I can do this, or you’re doubting yourself, like all of those things.
Sharp Five (Part Two)
Fourth, the “R” stands for relationships or relationship issues. So if you have things going on in your relationships, if you have things going on in your marriage, if you have things going on with your children that will affect all areas of your life.
And so someone may come to me and say, “Hey, I’m struggling with this in my business.”
As they began to talk about their marriage, I will pick up on the real issue. Their marriage relationship is affecting their business.
Finally, the “P,” the last one, is physical health. And so really encouraging people to take care of their health physically and that’s part of what I talk about.
And I encourage people to do is, are you making time to move your body? Are you making time to sleep the appropriate amount of hours? Are you drinking enough water? So that’s just one example.
Truly, the Sharp Five is just one example of ways that when someone says, “Hey, I’m stuck.”
We can dig a little bit deeper and find out, all right, what exactly is the area? And then taking that a step further and saying, how do you overcome the specific area that you are stuck in?

Getting in Touch With Monique
Melanie – That’s great. I love that tool.
There’s just something great about having someone who’s somewhat neutral and able to ask great questions and listen, and you do a lot of that.
And so I appreciate what you do and I know we probably have some listeners who have thought, well, I’d like to have a coach. And so I know that if you want to talk to Monique, she has set something up and you’d like to learn a little bit more about her.
To get in touch with Monique, you can connect with her on Instagram at @moniquescripcoaching. That’s Monique Scrip Coaching.
And on her Instagram, you can sign up for a 30-minute free consultation call. And I just recommend that.
If you’re at a place where you’re maybe wanting to make a change or you’re stuck, or you’re unsure of what to do next, or you’re nervous, or any number of emotions having a coach to talk to could be a great thing for you to try.
Monique Also Speaks to Groups
Melanie: Now, you also do some speaking to church groups and clubs and meetings and businesses. Would you tell us more about this?
Monique – When it comes to businesses, I talk about leadership and just how to thrive as a leader, I work with a lot of leaders. I teach them about duplicating.
I teach them about how to support their team, all of those things so that they can have a thriving team.
But then also as a woman of faith, I speak in churches and discuss identity.
Also, I have a podcast as well called the Fierce Identity Podcast. And the Lord made it clear to me at the beginning of 2020, right before the pandemic is when I was launching my podcast.
And he made it clear to me to go out and speak the message of women knowing their identity in Christ because I think a lot of what women struggle with at the root of it is them not knowing who they are.
So when it comes to speaking, that is what I speak about… delivering that message of helping people truly understand who they are.
A Few Final Questions about Having a Coach
Melanie – That’s a great word!
You can get in touch with Monique and talk to her about coming to speak at your group. I can tell you personally, she’s a wonderful encourager and I believe she’ll encourage and motivate your group or your ladies at your church.
So just for fun, few other questions that I love to ask, what are you reading right now?
What’s your favorite book that you’ve got on your desk or your nightstand right now?
Fervant by Priscilla Shirer
Monique – Well, if you have been around me for five minutes, I’ve told you about this book. I think I share this with everybody. It’s the book Fervent by Priscilla Shirer; it’s a book on prayer.
That is my absolute favorite book. I have read it probably three times.
Also, I’ve gifted it to people, all kinds of people because it just really gets to the power of God.
This book teaches you to seek God through prayer and prioritize strategic, specific prayer, and watch how God shows up.

What Do You Like to Listen To?
Melanie – I’ve read that book several times more than once and I love that book too. So we’re on the same page there, girl.
All right. What about this? What do you like to listen to? Are you a person that likes music? Do you like podcasts? What do you put in your ears?
Monique – Well, yes, I’m a podcast. I listen to podcasts.
In addition, I think I’m always wanting to educate myself. I like anything on business topics or network marketing because that’s the field I’m in.
Also, I love worship music.
So you will catch me walking in my neighborhood, listening to worship music. That’s probably my go-to between that and business podcasts.
What Do You Do to Stay Motivated?
Melanie – Those are wonderful. And that’s a lot of good things that you’re putting in your heart and your mind.
Let me ask you this because a lot of ladies may think that because you have been motivated from the time you were a baby, you don’t understand.
If someone’s not feeling motivated or they need a little more motivation, what do you recommend that they do to stay motivated?
How do you stay motivated?
Make Use of Boundaries
Monique – One thing I would say is that you have to be very, very discerning about the voices that you allow into your heart and your mind. Because I have very clear boundaries, I don’t listen to certain things.
My kids make fun of me because I don’t listen to certain things while I’m driving.
Additionally, I have very clear boundaries about what I watch on television. I guard my heart on what I let come into my mind.
Fill your heart and your mind with things of the Lord.
Recently, I was having a conversation with my husband. We disagreed on what was okay to watch and listen to. These things matter!
As I speak and I coach, the only thing that I want to come out of my mouth is God’s truth and God’s Word.
If I have anything else in my mind that is not in alignment with God’s truth, then it’s a distraction.
The crux of the matter is this: I want my heart to be in the right posture for me to speak.
As I feel like God is putting me on stage, I want the Holy Spirit to speak through me.
For Him to do this, I need to saturate myself with His truth, with His word.
How Are You An Ordinary Girl?
Melanie – That’s such a good word. And you’re right if we put garbage in that’s what’s going to come out. And we do have to guard our hearts and minds.
At Women Living Courageously, our motto is this, “We are ordinary women, but we serve an extraordinary God.”
And so I always like to ask these two questions that relate to our motto and one is kind of fun.
And it’s this what makes you an ordinary girl, just one of the girls?
Not Very Ordinary
Monique – What makes me an ordinary girl? I’m just an everyday mom. Yeah. I would say I’m a very normal person. I live a very normal life, and I go to bed at 8:30.
Melanie – What time do you get up?
Monique – I get up very early.
Melanie – Very early.
Monique – I get up probably around 4:30.
Melanie – Ooh. That may not be ordinary.
Monique – I would say I’m an ordinary mom who is struggling to get dinner on the table for my three kids.
Melanie – There you go. Yes, I saw Monique put up a reel the other day that your son was asking what you were going to eat and you were too. And so I like that about you.

How Has God Been Extraordinary to You?
Melanie – Let me ask you the second part of the question. How has God been and how is He extraordinary to you?
Monique – Oh, He has been so extraordinary. Probably His faithfulness.
We were talking a second ago about Fervent. When I started reading Fervent, I started writing down my prayers and getting very specific about prayers. Also, I got very specific about the things that I felt like God was putting on my heart: dreams, aspirations, and things I felt like He leading me to.
Over time, watching His faithfulness has been such affirmation of His power because I know I’m like this because of prayer.
This is because of what He spoke to me years ago or whatever that I’m seeing come to fruition that I believe that He can do anything.
Truly, God is extraordinary in the sense that He is faithful to His word.
That’s Good!
Melanie – That’s good. And you are so right. I love the things that you’ve shared and thank you so much for being with us today.
This has been so fun and it’s been a joy and a blessing for me to get to know you personally.
And then I love now that the listeners get to know you a little bit and hear your story.
A Few Takeaways about Having a Coach
I thought of a few takeaways because I always listen for what just stood out to me.
And a couple of things that stood out to me.
First, write your prayers and see them answered. There is power in that because it also helps you to believe God answers prayers when you watch Him answer those prayers. So, that was a great word.
Second, watch what you put in your mind. Be so careful what you let in set boundaries on what you watch and listen to. Those are great words.
And this has been so good today. You have given us so many gems to think upon!
Final Thoughts about Having a Coach
If this has been an encouragement to you, we want to invite you to share the ministry with someone else.
If you have a best friend or your sister or your mama or somebody that would benefit from this, let them know about what we talked about today.
Also, if you do want to have someone that could coach you and work with you, or you’d like to know more about what Monique is doing, find her on Instagram.
Go back to the show notes and look for her Instagram account and reach out to her.
I know she’d love to hear from you!
Until next time, remember – we are just ordinary women, but we serve an extraordinary God!
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Further, excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Melanie Redd and Women Living Courageously with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
It been a great pleasure to stop by so very inspired by your personal and proffession you find yourself in mostly doing the work of God I am pleased to say may be in future I might need your help as I am stopping here until we’re able to have an in-depth conversation again. May the lord bless you and keep you and your household
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Blessings to you today~