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How to Find God’s Will for Your Life
If there is one question that I get asked the most often, it would be this one.
In fact, I get emails, notes, and all kinds of messages about this topic.
It seems to be a question that so many people want the answer to.
So, what is the question?
It’s some variety of this one…
- How do you find God’s will for your life?
- How do you know what God wants for you?
- Where do you get in on God’s perfect will for years?
Let’s talk about this today: How to Find God’s Will for Your Life.
It’s my joy in this episode to get to partner again with the Ministry of Love Worth Finding and Pastor Adrian Rogers.
Pastor Rogers has a message entitled “Finding God’s Will for Your Life,” and I’ll be using his outline to answer the question of how to find God’s will for your life.
It’s taken from Proverbs 3:5-6.
This is probably a very familiar passage to you.

Looking at Proverbs 3:5-6 to Find God’s Will for Your Life.
In the new King James, Proverbs 3:5-6 reads this way.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
There is no higher place to be than in the will of God.
And there are few passages of Scripture that will lead you to that place more directly than Proverbs 3:5-6.
So, let’s look at four steps to help you find, follow, and finish God’s purpose for your life.
First, to Find God’s Will for Your Life, You have to let God CHOOSE the way.
Let God choose the way.
In order to let God, guide your way, you’ve got to have confidence in God.
Indeed, you are not called to trust a proposition or a plan, or a formula.
Rather, you are called to a Person.
And, you begin with a vital connection with God Himself.
The scripture says, “Trust in the Lord.”

Second, to Find God’s Will for Your Life, You have to let God CONTROL the way.
Let God control the way.
You may be willing to do God’s will, but it doesn’t do to acknowledge Him in SOME of your ways.
However, God doesn’t work part-time.
Truly, He doesn’t have a duplex for a palace.
No, you and I must give it all to God.
Let God take you wherever He wants to take you.
This scripture says, “In all your ways, acknowledge Him.”
Third, to Find God’s Will for Your Life, You let God CONFIRM the way.
Let God confirm the way.
As a matter of fact, a lot of God’s will for you is already settled in God’s word.
He will use His word to lead you.
Also, God confirms His will.
When you pray, God will guide you through the Holy Spirit.
In addition, God uses plain old wisdom.
Finally, He leads us through Providence as He opens and shuts doors.

Our Conversation about God’s Will with Adrian Rogers
Many years ago, my husband and I had the chance to meet with Pastor Rogers to talk about God’s will for our life.
My husband Randy had been offered a great new job in Atlanta, GA.
Truly, it would be a big change and a big move.
As we were praying about what to do, we actually got to sit down with Pastor Rogers after church on a Sunday morning.
We sat in some chairs just off the main stage after most of the people had left the building.
Then, we asked him these questions:
“How do we know what God wants us to do?
How do we know if we should move or not?”
He gave us an answer that sounds a lot like this devotional I’m sharing with you today.
Pastor Rogers told us, “Everything will line up when God wants you to do something.”
First, he said to get in the Bible and look for God’s wisdom in the Bible.
In addition, he said to pray and look for God’s wisdom in our prayers.
Then, he said to talk to wise counselors and look for wisdom in what they had to share.
Further, Pastor Rogers told us to ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and to give us great and clear direction.
Also, he said that things would work out if we were supposed to move.
The doors would come open and the issues would clear if we were supposed to make this move.
You don’t have to force it.
Indeed, God will confirm it!
And, God will make all of the things come together and work well when it’s the right time for you to do something.

Ultimately, we did make that move and we were so encouraged by his counsel that day.
The Counsel would work for you as well today.
- First… Pray it over and ask the Spirit to lead you.
- Second… Get in the Word and seek wisdom.
- Third… Ask for wisdom from people you trust.
- Fourth… See if the doors are opening.
- Finally… Make sure it’s all working together.
Then, go!
If all of the lights are green, it’s time to move ahead.
But, if not… if things don’t seem to be quite ready yet.
Let me give you one more piece to this puzzle of how to find God’s Will for your life.
And it’s the final truth from Proverbs 3:5-6.
Fourth, let God CLEAR the way.
Let God clear the way.
Clearly, Proverbs 3:6 promises that God will direct your paths.
The word “direct” is a very interesting Hebrew word. It’s Yashar. Yashar.
It speaks of cutting a straight path.
Literally, it means to let God clear the way.

Another Example of God Clearing the Way
This same Hebrew word is used to portray John the Baptist preparing the way for the Lord Jesus Christ.
John is described in Isaiah 40, verses 3-4, as the voice of one crying in the wilderness.
“Prepare the way of the Lord.
Make straight in the desert a highway for our guide.
Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill brought low.
The crooked places shall be made straight, and the rough places smooth.”
As You Think about How to Find God’s Will for Your Life, Consider a Bulldozer.
Now I want you to picture a bulldozer building a road, and there’s a mountain in the bulldozer lops it off.
There’s a valley and the bulldozer fills the valley with dirt.
Then, there’s a stone, and the bulldozer moves the stone out of the way.
And, there’s a curve in the road, and the bulldozer straightens the road out.
Every valley is brought up.
Every mountain is made low.
And, every obstacle is removed.
The crooked is made straight.
Here’s the Key to How to Find God’s Will for Your Life.
When you and I get in the will of God, when we begin to obey God, God will rev up heaven’s bulldozers and go out in front of us.
God will clear the road for you and me!
Absolutely, I tell you it is true!
Let God direct your paths.

As you are praying today about something in your life and ready to know God’s will…
Why not go back to these verses and principles?
- First… Let God choose your way.
- Second… Let God control your way.
- Third… Let God confirm your way.
- Finally… Let God clear your way.
Let’s read those verses one more time…
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
I’m praying for you to Find God’s Will for Your Life!
I’m praying that God will rev up heaven’s bulldozers and clear your way!
In the name of Jesus, may He break through in your world today!
May He go out in front of you and direct your paths!
He can, and I pray that He will!

We have a FREE GIFT for you today!
It’s a free resource for you on our website.
It’s called, “Finding God’s Will.“
Get your copy by clicking HERE.

Remember today:
We are ordinary women, but we serve an extraordinary God who has amazing plans for your life!
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© Women Living Courageously, 2022. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Further, excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Melanie Redd and Women Living Courageously with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
This was a great article and reminder to follow. I will add, that along with applying these truths God will also give you peace in your heart while seeking His direction. Even when things need to be bulldozed for that path, if we are truly seeking His will, He will give you peace. I believe that comes from trusting Him. Right this moment my husband and I are waiting on further direction for a new ministry and though I have questioned myself, I realize I’m questioning me and not Him. When I recognize that my weaknesses are what was holding me back from submitting and realize that He isn’t worried about those because He can equip and enable through me, then I can let go, let Him use me as He desires and He will bring about His work…not mine. Then there is trust and I receive that peace knowing He goes before me, us, and He will direct the entire work for His glory. Thank you for reenforcing my heart through your article to continue to trust and let Him lead. God bless you and your ministry!
Amen, Pat!
Such a great addition! Yes! Peace is so key in knowing God’s will!
And, thank you for your encouragement!
Keep going strong! God has amazing plans ahead for you and your husband.
Blessings to you today!
As I & family members go through some health issues this year, thank you for these wonderful verses of truth & encouragement. Thank you!
Amen, Dixie!
Praying that you and your family will continue to heal and be encouraged!
Blessings to you,
Amen, Dixie!
I pray that God will continue healing and encouraging you and your family!
Blessings to you today,
Been going through some crazy things because of disobedience or should I say “testing” God. Yet I wanna slow down and understand his perfect will for me. It’s been a huge struggle. And it’s not about to end so I’m getting prepared I know.
Amen, R.G.
It’s always a good idea to wait on the Lord, even when this is challenging.
Praying that you will experience HOPE in the name of Jesus today~