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5 Ways to See More Prayers Answered
Do you ever wonder if God is really paying attention to you?
Perhaps you have been trying hard and serving faithfully for a long time and seeing no fruit.
Maybe you’ve been wondering why God hasn’t answered your prayers…
- For that husband,
- Or a particular job,
- Maybe it’s for an open door,
- Or, for money to come through.
- Possibly it’s for healing in a relationship,
- Or it could be something for one of your children or grandchildren.
- Possibly, you’d like to publish a book.
- Or, it could be something else entirely.
Whatever the case, I’d like to share five ways to see more of your prayers answered.
The first way to see more of your prayers answered – really pray!
This may sound silly, but are we really praying?
We think about praying.
We talk about praying.
Indeed, we may even read about prayer, listen to podcasts or sermons about prayer, and scour the Bible for passages on prayer.
But, do we open our mouths and talk to God?
Do we direct our minds, our emotions, our needs, and our problems toward heaven?
Even if you have never prayed, you can begin today!
Talk to God as you would talk to a good friend or family member.
Share with Him what is in your heart. As you begin, you will get more comfortable praying. Honestly, you learn to pray by praying.
My pastor growing up, Adrian Rogers, used to say,
“The greatest problem we face is not unanswered prayer but unoffered prayer.”
So, jump in and get going!
“You do not have because you do not ask God.” James 4:2b

The second way to see more of your prayers answered is to pray specifically.
If you listen to the way that most people pray in church, it’s pretty general.
People pray that God will heal the sick, bless the church, and forgive our sins.
Indeed, often we do the same thing when we talk to God. We rattle off phrases like – “bless us,” “protect us,” and “provide for us.”
But, I believe something amazing might begin to happen in your prayer life if you will start asking God for specific answers to specific needs.
In Mark 10:41, Jesus asked Blind Bartimaeus, “What do you want me to do for you?”
When we pray, we are telling God very specifically what we would like for Him to do for us!
Examples of Praying Specifically
For example…
– If your children aren’t getting along, begin to ask God to bring sweetness into their relationships, kindness into the mix, and fun and laughter into your home.
– If you need $350 for your electric bill, ask for it.
– As you are trying to grow your Facebook or Instagram account, ask God to give you courage as you reach out to new friends and new people. Invite Him to grow your reach and your impact online.
In my life, I keep a spiral notebook where I write out very specific requests.
Then, each morning, I lift those requests to the Lord.
As the prayers are answered, I note this and detail how God answered each prayer.
For just this last year, I’ve seen hundreds of specific answers to specific prayer requests!
It’s amazing!
And, it can be true for you as well.
Pastor Adrian Rogers once shared…
“Tragically, many of our prayers are so vague that if God were to answer them, we wouldn’t even know it.”

The third way to see more of your prayers answered is to pray regularly.
Have you ever opened a magazine or an article online because of some claim of an easy new way to lose weight?
But, once you get to the article, it still goes back to two basic principles.
To lose weight, you must eat better and exercise. If you do these two things regularly, you will look and feel better.
Sadly, everything else is just hype!
And, in the Christian life, it’s pretty similar.
There are two guiding principles to follow: we read the Bible, and we pray. When we do these two things regularly, we have peace, we have joy, and life is just better.
In Your Prayer Life
In your prayer life, you may grow weary by continuing to pray about something.
It could be that you have been praying for months or even years.
Keep praying!
Don’t give up!
God is still working!
Your answer could be just around the corner.
It could even be coming tomorrow.
“And so, I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.
Keep on seeking, and you will find.
Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks finds.
And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Luke 11:9-10

The fourth way to see more of your prayers answered is to pray in submission to God’s plans.
When Jesus prayed, He would often add a caveat, “Not my will, but Thine be done.” (Luke 22;42)
When we pray, we always need to leave room for God to be God.
He knows best.
He does best.
And, He will do the best for us.
“God only wants for us, what we would want for ourselves—if we were
smart enough to know what is best for us.”
(Adrian Rogers)

Finally, you and I will see more of our prayers answered when we pray gratefully.
Don’t you love it when the people around you are grateful and appreciative of you?
When you prepare and serve a great meal, don’t you enjoy gratitude from those who get to enjoy it?
After you do 100 loads of laundry for everyone else, it’s nice to get a little praise.
We all love to be thanked.
And, our God does too!
But, so often, we make endless requests to the Lord without ever offering up one single word of thanks or appreciation.
What if today, we just thanked God for all of the answered prayers, for His love, and for His goodness in our lives?
I wonder how that might empower and ramp up our prayer lives.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”
Philippians 4:6

So, what do you think?
Truly, I’ve only scratched the surface on this topic of prayer.
What are some other factors you’ve discovered in the way God answers prayers?
What keeps Him from answering our prayers?
And, what are your thoughts?
I’d love to hear from you!
We are ordinary women, but we are pursuing a sweeter and deeper relationship with an extraordinary God!
Why not start talking to Him today?
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© Women Living Courageously, 2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Further, excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Melanie Redd and Women Living Courageously with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Great article on prayer! Really excited about your new partnership with Love Worth Finding!
Thanks so much, Gayle!
Sure do appreciate you and your encouragement!
Blessings to you,
You open my whole perspective about prayer most of time I want to pray like others I listen on YouTube prayers and I make them mine
Thanks for the article it is an whole eye opener
Thanks a million thanks
Amen, Jesantha!
Thanks so much for letting us know.
Praying that God will encourage you and bless your prayer life!